Friday, November 25, 2011

Phnom Leu

Phnom Leu is a nature and cultural site. There is a pagoda on the mountaintop, which offers visitors a panoramic view of the beaches and Sihanoukville international port. Most visitors are local people who visit the site during national festiv...

Otres Beach

Otres Beach is the next beach south of Ochheuteal Beach and resembles Ochheuteal in many ways - a three kilometer crescent of near white sand facing the southwest. But Otres is far less developed and touristed than Ochheuteal, offering a more leisurely, relaxed atmosphere, and caught the eye of Forbes this year, listed amongst the Top 22 Beaches in Asia. Though much of the beach was recently closed for a development project, more than a kilometer remains open and retains the same laid back feel. There are no hotels, spas or large restaurants on Otres, just a string of beach-shack bars, restaurants and bungalows stretching along the sand...

Ochheuteal Beach

Ochheuteal Beach, known as UNTAC Beach in the early 1990s and it is now the most popular in Sihanoukville, offering the full spectrum of beach venues from upscale hotels and dining to laid-back budget beach bars and bungalows.Ochheuteal is long, sandy and narrow, with 'Serendipity Beach' at the northern end, a golf-course development at the southern end, and a cluster of mid-range hotels and restaurants near the MP base in the middle. Grass umbrellas, rentable beach chairs and little drink huts line the beach from one end to the other.It offers several nice hotels including the Seaside and Crystal, the mid-range Holiday, as well as ...
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